Problem 2


 1sum_even = 0;
 2term_prev = 1;
 3term_current = 1;
 4loop do
 5    if term_current >= 4000000
 6        break
 7    end
 8    temp = term_current;
 9    term_current = term_current + term_prev;
10    term_prev = temp;
11    if term_current % 2 == 0
12        sum_even += term_current;
13    end 
15puts "#{sum_even}"


1(ns problem2.core)
2;generate a list of the fibonacci numbers
3(def gen-fib 
4  (lazy-cat [0 1] (map + (rest gen-fib) gen-fib)))
6(defn -main 
7  []
8  (println (reduce + (filter even? (take-while (partial > 4000000) gen-fib)))))

Perl 6

1say (1, 1, *+ *... ^*> 4000000 ).grep( * %% 2 ).sum;


 1class FibSum{
 2    public static void main(String args[]){
 3        double prevTerm = 1;
 4        double curTerm = 1;
 5        double tempTerm;
 6        int sum = 0;
 7        while(curTerm < 4000000){
 8            tempTerm = curTerm;
 9            curTerm = prevTerm + curTerm;
10            prevTerm = tempTerm;
11            if(curTerm % 2 == 0){
12                sum += curTerm;
13            }
14        }
15        System.out.printf("%d\n", sum);
16    }