Project Euler

A current ongoing project that has piqued my interest is Project Euler . Essentially it’s a series of math problems for which you need to devise an algorithm and a program to compute the solution.

I’ve been using it as a way to ramp up my skills in other languages that I am not comfortable with such as, Perl 6 , Clojure , and Ruby . I chose these languages for different reasons. I chose Clojure because I wanted to get more comfortable with a langauge that has a LISP like format. In addition, Clojure runs on the JVM which was a huge benefit to the language, although there are some cons of using the JVM as well.

My solutions for these problems can be seen here. They can also be seen on my Github . I will also be looking into doing these solutions in other languages in the near future. Other languages I plan on looking at in the future for this are Python and Go.